Steve Jobs Buried in a Time Capsule 30 Years Ago [VIDEO]

A typical teenager’s life revolves around school and hanging out with their friends; but one 14-year old Jacob Cramer has a different passion in life – to make elderly citizens happy.Love For The Elderly is Cramer’s nonprofit which distributes letters of kindness to seniors throughout the United States.  
The elderly are the fastest growing population in the world, and as age sets in, their need for attention and care become more acute. Cramer has tapped into their plight with a method that most seniors can relate to – good old fashioned letter writing. Started in 2013, Love For The Elderly is just beginning to gain steam, but the nonprofit already has received letters from all corners of the globe - from Australia to Iceland. 
It’s super easy to join in on this kindness movement, so whether you are looking for a meaningful activity for yourself or the kiddies,  creative handwritten letters can be sent bysnail mail, or perky enlivening messages can be submitted online. For those looking for a bit of inspiration, check out the Love For The Elderly Letter of the Week to get your creative juices flowing!


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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