Taylor Swift's 'Blank Space'

When Joseph Kahn, who directed Taylor Swift’s new Blank Space video, tweeted about the video’s leak Monday, the most important part of his tweet got mostly ignored.
While people focused on Kahn saying “Yahoo effed up” by posting the video early, which it did, they overlooked the part about Taylor introducing the video being “worth the wait.”
Swift eventually posted the video herself Monday, but it wasn’t the roll-out she and Kahn had envisioned. While there’s enough symbolism and change-of-costume moments in Swift’s Great Gatsby-meets-Gone Girl Blank Space to launch a thousand blog posts — which is exactly what happened — that version of video is only the start.

Turns out there’s a whole other level to the video, accessible through the American Express Unstaged Taylor Swift Blank Space Experience App (whew, that’s a mouthful!). The new version of the video, one of those 360-immersive experiences that lets you twirl around while watching your iPad until you get dizzy, offers multiple points of view, additional characters and enough hidden Easter eggs to fill 13 baskets. In other words, it’s a Taylor Swift superfan’s dream.
Swift announced the app Tuesday on Good Morning America.
So expect Swifties’ heads — and their social-media feeds – to explode today as they track down and share the video’s clandestine clues. We don’t have a cheat sheet — ’cause you know how much Swift loves to drop hints herself — but we will suggest looking for a clock where every hour strikes 13, as well as a reference to Swift’s grandmother, an opera singer named Marjorie Finley. Oh, and keep an eye on the roses.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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