Does Justin Bieber have a new girlfriend?

It’s a good news/bad news day for Justin Bieber.
First, the good news: He may have a new girlfriend, and she kind of looks like Selena Gomez.
Bieber posted photos of himself snuggling with a model called Yovanna Ventura on Shots on Tuesday. In one photo, she wraps her arms around the fedora-wearing Bieber as he plays a keyboard.
So who is she? And what happened to all the talk about getting back with Gomez?
Ventura is 18, just graduated from high school and is a Miami-based model.  She’s been seen with Bieber several times, most recently on Tuesday at a restaurant in Los Angeles.
She also posted pictures of the two of them together on her Instagram page. She called Bieber “the sweetest guy ever.”



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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