6 Acts of Kindness to Perform On-the-Go [LIST]

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World Kindness Day is held today, November 13, providing a wonderful opportunity for anyone and everyone to be a little bit kinder to those around them. The World Kindness Movement spearheads the initiative, and for the past 16 years, it has been celebrated in communities around the world.  Taking part is simple - below we have compiled a list of random acts of kindness ideas that can be easily performed on-the-go. We have also suggested a bit of Goodnet inspiration for you to gain a greater awareness about how others let their kindness flag fly. Make November 13 count by filling your day with beautiful acts of kindness!


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1:  Put a big smile on your face, and wish passersby an authentic and jovial good morning!
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2:  If you drive a car, don’t think twice about giving fellow drivers the green light to make that turn or enter your lane.
GLEAN INSPIRATION: Meet the most upbeat dancing New York traffic cop as she makes a sometimes dangerous job fun and groovy for drivers and pedestrians alike.


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1: Give compliments to your friends and even strangers via social media. Spread your Facebook likes generously as well as your retweets.
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2: Make it a point to post only positive happy things that will brighten your followers’ days.
GLEAN INSPIRATION: Spread the cheerful vibes with videos about kindness to animalsdancing grandparents and kids being downright  hilarious.    


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1: Make your colleague a cup of coffee or a hot drink - without being asked.
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2:  Compliment a colleague on a job well done. But instead of sending a quick email, handwrite them a note – it can even be a sticky note. Try and place it on their desk when they are away, giving them a pleasant surprise.
GLEAN INSPIRATION: A large majority of our days are spent at work – try to maximize those hours by making them as enjoyable as possible. Here are 8 tips to get happier at work that are tried and true.


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1: Every time you step outside, pick up three pieces of litter and properly dispose of them.
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2:  Place a bowl of clean water for the furry friends in your neighborhood, ensuring that they stay hydrated and healthy.
GLEAN INSPIRATION: Being kind to the environment is always in style - find out simple ways to make a green difference with these 9 Easy and Fulfilling Things You Can Do for the Planet Today.


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1: Prepare a delicious homemade meal that’s also healthy.
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2: What chore do you avoid the most - washing dishes, cleaning the bathroom or picking up the living room? Whichever task you find most challenging, get it done today!
GLEAN INSPIRATION: If you are looking to whip up something tasty, consult Goodnet’s 9 Healthy Meals Ready in Under 30 Minutes or go veg with these 6 tasty vegan recipes.


ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 1: Give your seat to someone who could use it, doesn’t matter if they are pregnant, elderly or even a child - just be generous.
ACT OF KINDNESS OPTION 2: If you are on a bus or train ride and the person next to you dozes off, let your shoulder serve as their soft pillow. They could probably use a couple minutes of shut-eye!
GLEAN INSPIRATION: Here’s a shining example of people lending their shoulders to give a fellow passenger a bit of rest.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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